CDA Prep 100.1 - Introduction to CDA Standards 2.0 Mini Session

CDA Prep 100.1 – Introduction to CDA Standards 2.0 Mini Session


Introduction to CDA Standards 2.0 Mini Session

CDA Prep 100.1 Child Development Standards and Professional Areas of Competency

2020 CDA

30 hours Virtual Instruction with Google Classroom Access

Professional Development Specialist: Jennifer Edwards-Saul M.Ed

This course is designed for the Child Development Associate who is seeking to take a mini course while fulfilling the content needed to obtain their CDA. This training will cover topics on child development, theories and theorist, observation and assessment, curriculum planning and classroom management. Understanding the role of the early childcare professional will be the foundation of each content unit. The training format and learning expectations will focus on competency topics and functional areas; as needed to support the competency statements

To understand the role of a childcare professional and how this role relates to regulations, mandates, professional guidelines and best practices of an established profession.

To understand how children learn and grow. To discuss principles of human development and the importance of using a developmental framework as the foundation for working in the early childhood profession.

As the result of the training, interactions and reflective reading the participants will be able to establish and maintain learning environments that are safe, healthy and centered around child development and productive interactions.

As the result of the training, interactions, assignments and reflective reading responses participants will be able to build learning experiences, consider methods for creating age appropriate learning environments, use a research based perspective to put developmental theories into best practices

As the result of this training the participants will examine one’s role in maintaining a professional commitment and contribution to the early childcare profession. They will examine the strategies for creating,and maintaining a safe , healthy and well run purposeful program that is responsive to children, families and others, in alignment with the best practice guidelines.

Attendance and Participation: Attendees must register and attend each training session to be awarded the certificate of training. Attendance must be above the 85% rate to be issued a certificate and considered as part of the cohort group. Participation is required to meet the learning objects, as set to meet the training goals. Withdrawals forms are required along with notification of leave of absence from each session. Certificates will only be given to those who are registered, enrolled and attended the allotted hours. There will be no refunds after registration and enrollment.

Goals: The CDA candidate will understand early childhood as a professional practice that is guided by mandates, theory, research and professional organizations that has shape best practices for caring for young children; the CDA candidate will review their practices for planning, organizing and maintaining environments that are safe, healthy and interactive; the CDA candidate will understand early childhood development and explore how to develop teaching practices for observing,  and recording how children learn and grow; the CDA candidate will examine methods for using data to plan daily interactions to support early childhood development.

Objectives: Use self-reflection to explore their role in a profession that is guided by mandates, standards, theory and research; to describe the importance of planning, creating and promoting safe, healthy practices, create a professional code and foundation for caring for young children; to demonstrate the ability to use observation and assessment to study, plan and report how children learn and grow; to be able to plan creative learning environments, meaningful interactions and developmental activities; to construct methods for supporting the development of children’s social and emotional competency; and design methods for meeting the needs of all children and families; to build and report their efforts for advancing children’s physical and intellectual wellbeing; and to outline a framework for building positive relationships with children families and professional partners.

How To Register For This Class:

  1. Click here to fill out the Registration Form.
  2. Pay for your class on this page.
  3. You will be contacted via email with further instructions.



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